MADRASAH PADA MASA ISLAM KLASIK: Analisis Historis atas Metode yang Digunakan

  • Hasaruddin Hasaruddin UIN Alauddin Makassar Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 23 Makassar


Abstract: The Institute of Islamic education is foremost on the classic era is the mosque. However, because of the demands of Muslim society to education has increased and the demands of the welfare of the teachers have also increased the education that was originally held in the mosque developing into education held at the madrasah. Therefore, madrasah educational institutions were  the development of the mosque, the mosque khan then increased to madrasah. Learning methods used in the madrasah also experienced growth. The method of learning at the madrasah  such as  al-samÄ' (dictation), and al-ijÄzah (diploma) was not found in the learning in the mosque

Kata Kunci: madrasah, masa Islam klasik, metode pengajaran


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How to Cite
Hasaruddin, H. (2011, June 15). MADRASAH PADA MASA ISLAM KLASIK: Analisis Historis atas Metode yang Digunakan. Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika, 8(1), 121-138.