In character education, students are not only viewed from the academic side but also from the moral side. However, attitude is often ignored. Students in the school have diversity; therefore, it is very important to have an attitude of tolerance. In the context of Aswaja, there is one value, namely tasamuh, which means tolerance. This study aimed to explore how the attitude of tasamuh is implemented and to find out the teacher's strategy in implementing the attitude of tasamuh in 12th-grade high school at MAS At-Taufiq during English learning. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, conducted by observing English classes and conducting open-ended interviews. The results of the research show that implementing the value of tasamuh in English classes is not taught explicitly but emerges through activities while teaching the material. One of the obstacles in implementing the value of tasamuh is the influence of the environment outside the school on the students. This study supports previous research, highlighting that collaborative and interactive teaching methods effectively internalize tolerance. These findings contribute to the growing discourse on integrating character education into subject-specific curricula, particularly in culturally diverse settings.
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