Interpretation of The Verse on Ahkam Interfaith marriage
Diversity in religion raises interfaith marriage as a debated issue in Indonesia in general and Islam in particular. there are several different interpretations in which the fuqaha' or Islamic scholars on this subject are influenced by some of the explanations given in the Qur'an. The focus of this research article is the interpretation of Islamic scholars regarding the ahkam verse which alludes to interfaith marriages. This research is a descriptive qualitative and includes the type of bibliographic research because it tries to collect data, analyze and make interpretations of the interpretation of the verse on Ahkam in interfaith marriages. With data sources and books related to the object of this study, it shows that there is an opinion of the Ulama that prohibits marriage between Muslim men and polytheistic women. There are scholars who categorize polytheists which only include Arab musrik and there are those who categorize polytheists globally. While the interpretation of marrying the people of the book, the scholars agree that it is permissible according to the criteria of each scholar. Their interpretation is also based on approaches in accordance with fiqh rules. Contemporary scholars argue that interfaith marriages should be banned as a preventive measure to prevent greater harm.
Keywords: interpretation, marriage, religion
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