Abstract. This paper deals with the role of muá¹£Älaḥah in conflic resolution among Muslim societies using a historical approach. From a historical analysis it is concluded that the concept of á¹£ulḥ and muá¹£Älaḥah have predated Islam, and played a vital role in resolving disputes and conflicts among clans in pre-Islam Arab societies. In the period of Islam, as in the case of Fatḥ Makkah (winning over Mecca) and á¹¢ulḥ al-Ḥudaybiyyah (peace treaty at Ḥudaybiyyah). In resolving conflicts, there are principles employed by the Prophet Muḥammad, such as tolerance, non-violence, patience, forgiveness, peace, harmony and mercy.
Kata Kunci:       resolusi konflik, muá¹£Älaḥah, á¹£ulḥ, toleransi, nir-kekerasan, pemaafanDownloads
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