• Zainal Abidin


Shiite and Sunnite are two great Muslim groups emerging after the Prophet’s death. Shiite was considered a minor Muslim group who claimed that it was Ali ibn Abi Thalib who was eligible to a caliph (imam) after the Prophet’s death. Its reason was that Ali ibn Abi Thalib was the closet family of all Prophet’s companions. However, as a mayor Muslim group, Suniite claimed that all Prophet’s companions were eligible to a chaliph since the Prophet left no message to any of his copmpanions on who would be a chaliph after his death. It was this fact that aroused dispute on the chaliphate between the two Muslim groups.


Kata Kunci: Syi’ah, Sunni, imamah, khilafah


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How to Cite
Abidin, Z. (2006, June 15). SYI’AH DAN SUNNI DALAM PERSPEKTIF PEMIKIRAN ISLAM. HUNAFA Jurnal Studia Islamika, 3(2), 117-128.