• Kasmiati Kasmiati STAIN Datokarama Palu


Harun ar-Rasyid was the third caliph of Abbasid. He served as a very predominant caliph in his time. Moreover, it was in his rule that, in Asia, there were many achievements in various sectors of life such as in economy, agriculture, science, and literature. Besides, buildings for worship, education, and health were founded at that time. The progress in these sectors of life made Baghdad, the capital of Abbasid, as the greatest center for commerce. The decline and destruction of Harun ar-Rasyid’s caliphate was preceded by caliph succession and the promotion of Ibrahim ibn Aqlab to be a governor as well as Rafi’ah al-Laish’s rebellion to the dynasty in the epoch of Al-Ma’mun.




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How to Cite
Kasmiati, K. (2006, March 15). HARUN AR-RASYID. HUNAFA Jurnal Studia Islamika, 3(1), 91-100. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.24239/jsi.Vol3.Iss1.249