FAZLUR RAHMAN DAN METODE IJTIHADNYA: Telaah Sekitar Pembaruan Hukum Islam
In his monumental work, Islamic Methodology in History, Fazlur Rahman proposed two causes of failure of using ijtihâd as a method in interpreting Islamic law among classical Islamic law scholars. Firstly, there is an unharmonious relationship between “sunnah-ijma’-ijtihâd; secondly, there is a burden of majority doctrine theology towards the law. Both causalities are related each other. Fazlur Rahman tried to show the unharmonious between “sunnah-ijma’-ijtihâd†as stated in usûl fiqh. In those unharmonious relationship, ijtihâd is defeated by ijma’. In fact, ijtihâd is regarded as a means to direct and to form ijma’. Due to the ineffective position of ijtihâd, it is not possible to form new ijma’.
Kata Kunci: Fazlur Rahman, metode ijtihad, pembaruan hukum Islam, sunah, ijmak
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