HUNAFA Jurnal Studia Islamika <p>Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika is an Islamic studies journal dedicated to publishing scholarly articles on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim peoples and on religious studies. Available in print and online and published twice a year, June and December, the journal aims to become one of the leading platforms in Indonesia for new findings and discussions of all fields of Islamic studies.</p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href=";1180430578&amp;1&amp;&amp;">1411-125X</a></p> <p>E-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href=";1398688820&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2355-7710</a></p> State Islamic University of Datokarama Palu en-US HUNAFA Jurnal Studia Islamika 1411-125X <p>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <div id="__if72ru4sdfsdfruh7fewui_once" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</div> <div id="__zsc_once">&nbsp;</div> FUNCTIONALIZATION OF ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHT <p>The study of the functionalization of Islamic philosophical thought tends to be very important to be studied more deeply because the study never stops to be debated. The purpose of this paper is to understand 3 things: First, the paradigm of the functionalization of Islamic philosophical thought Second, the internal and external factors that influence it Third, the positive and negative implications for Muslims The method used by <em>the researchch library</em> with the library text approach <em>&nbsp;</em>is based on the Zed Mestika theory as for data collection by means of literature study and analyzed by content analysis techniques . The results found are 3 things: First, the paradigm of functionalization of Islamic philosophical thought has 3 forms: (1) Answering the challenges of the times (2) Approaching Islamic education (3) Understanding the text of the Qur'an. Second, internally there are 3 factors that affect it: (1) Religious Commandments (2) Islamic traditions (3) the spirit of Muslims seeking the truth. Externally, there are 3 factors: (1) The influence of Greek philosophy, (2) The demands of the times, (3) The challenge of postmodernism. Third, the positive implications for Muslims are 3 things: (1) Understanding the essence of oneself 2) Fostering a moderation attitude (3) The development of Islamic education. Meanwhile, the negative implications are 3 things: (1) Conflict of Muslims (2) Accusations against Imam Al-Ghazali covering ijtihad (3) Mixed with distorted thinking The conclusion that this paper shows that the functionalization of Islamic philosophy is very effective in contributing to the thinking of Muslims.</p> Muhammad Miftahul Natsir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 21 1 109 138 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.768 DEVELOPMENT OF QUR'ANI ECOLOGICAL ORIENTED IKN INFRASTRUCTURE <p>The relocation of the country's capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan as an effort to equalize the economy has reaped pros and cons from various groups. Several experts and LSM assess that the development of the National Capital City (IKN) infrastructure will have a negative impact on local communities and the existing ecosystem. However, in order to ward off these concerns, the government has formulated Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital which explains that the IKN construction principle is 100% environmentally friendly construction for all its buildings, both residential and commercial buildings, and there will also be the application of appropriate resource practices. efficient and low carbon. The Al-Qur'an, which contains a set of values and guidelines for pursuing the path of improvement (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 185), also does not forget to explain ecological principles -albeit cursorily-, as basically the expanse of the earth and everything created in it by Allah swt. use it to gain benefits from it and fulfill human needs (QS. Al-Hijr [15]: 19-20). This research tries to explain the ecological values and principles contained in the Al-Qur'an, so it is hoped that this research can also provide input in the context of developing IKN infrastructure, so that in the development process it does not violate the values and guidelines of ecological signs contained therein. This research uses the maudhu'i (thematic) interpretation method. The research results show that development can be said to be in harmony with the spirit of the Koran when in the process and even after construction it does not threaten the survival of animals, also protects the preservation of plants, maintains cleanliness and does not cause environmental pollution.</p> Fahrurozi Umiari Hamdan Yuwapini Mohammad Kholilullah Ade Nailul Huda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-25 2024-08-25 21 1 71 90 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.774 SANTRI TEACHING PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS LEARNING ARABIC IN SCHOOL DORMITORIES <p>This study describes the santri teaching program for Arabic language learning, how the santri teaching learning process, program evaluation, and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the program. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research type of case study. The subjects of this research are students of the Hasbullah Sa'id dormitory totaling 72 students consisting of students in grades XI, XI, and XII. Data collection techniques used observation of the santri teaching program process, interviews with tutors, audiences, and dormitory coaches. In addition, the documentation of materials and class division. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model. The results of this research are (1) The santri teaching learning process is carried out once a month on Sunday nights from 19.30 - 21.00 in the Bisri Syansuri building. XII grade students are selected alternately to serve as tutors, and the others become the audience, (2) The evaluation should be done once every 2 months, and (3) The supporting factors of this program are the enthusiasm of the students in deepening the linguistic sciences, discipline, high motivation, a relaxed and conducive classroom atmosphere so that students are comfortable in participating in the santri teaching program, and adequate facilities that have been prepared. The inhibiting factor of this program is the lack of readiness of student tutors when teaching.</p> Moh. Rifqi Falah Al-Farabi Irsyadul Ibad Muhammad Galuh Rizqi Nuril Mufidah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 21 1 55 70 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.766 INTEGRATION OF MODERATION AND TOLERANCE IN HADITH TO CREATE PEACE: A STUDY OF THE THOUGHT OF AḤMAD AL-ṬAYYIB <p>Moderation, peace and tolerance are core teachings of Islam that are explained in many religious texts. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib explained several hadiths related to moderation, peace and tolerance in several of his books and speeches. This study aims to discuss the thoughts of Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib regarding the hadiths of moderation, peace and tolerance. This research uses qualitative research with library research method. The results of the study state that Islamic moderation teaches humans to provide freedom and independence and equal rights for women, and not to discriminate among fellow human beings. Then to maintain peace between humans, a sense of security should be created and there should be no attitude of fear or threat to others. Tolerance between religions is also needed to create a sense of peace, one of which is by allowing people to choose their religion and not forcing them to convert to Islam.</p> Ahmad Fauzan Zahri Is'ad Durrotun Nabilah Moh. Hudal Hafid Ilmi Fahrur Razi Maghza Rizaka ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 21 1 41 54 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.769 TRANSFORMING RELIGIOUS LEARNING: EMPOWERING FAITH THROUGH VIRTUAL CONGREGATION IN INDONESIA <p>This paper examines the impact of digital Pesantren in Indonesia, addressing how they are shaping religious Islamic education in Indonesia. With the digital technology, Islamic education have encountered new modes of dissemination and engagement.Through a comprehensive review of literature and case studies, this study analyzes the proliferation of digital Pesantren, their methods of instruction, and their influence on practice among Indonesian Muslims. Findings this paper, digital Pesantren offer unprecedented accessibility, flexibility, and inclusivity. Furthermore, in digital Pesantren audiences can foster solidarity and mutually empower each other to deepen their faith, transcending geographical limitations.</p> Lukis Alam Muh. Iqbal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 21 1 1 24 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.747 THE DYNAMICS OF MODERN ISLAM IN INDONESIA: A STUDY OF PARADIGMS, FACTORS, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR SOCIO-INTELLECTUAL DISCOURSE <p>The study of modern Islamic thought in Indonesia is very important to be studied more deeply. This is because the study never ceases to be debated. The purpose of this paper is to understand 3 things: First, the paradigm of modern Islamic thought. Second, the internal and external factors that influence modern Islam. Third, the positive and negative implications of modern Islam on Islamic socio-intellectual discourse in Indonesia. The method used is library research with a qualitative approach, the data is analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results found are three things: First, there are 4 forms of modern Islamic thought paradigm in Indonesia: reform, evolutionary, progressive, adaptive. Second, internally there are 3 factors that influence it: (1) the demand for renewal of Islamic teachings that are too taqlid and rigid (2) awareness of purifying Islamic practices (3) the Islamic press movement spread widely. As for externally, there are 3 factors that influence it: (1) the influence of modernity in the Western world (2) the dominance of Middle Eastern clerical thought (3) the reality of competition from other cultures and religions. Third, the positive implications of modern Islam for Islam in Indonesia are three things: (1) progressiveness in various fields (2) Islamic teachings are more rational (3) Islamic thought exists and is relevant to the contemporary context. Meanwhile, the negative implications of modern Islam on Islam in Indonesia are 3 things: (1) conflict between community groups (2) rejection from conservative groups (3) marginalization of figures and extremism tendencies. The conclusion of this paper shows that modern Islamic thought in Indonesia contains complex dynamics in shaping the social life of Muslims in Indonesia.</p> Naylul Izzah Walkaromah Zulfi Mubaraq M. Lutfi Mustofa Moh. Toriquddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 21 1 91 108 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.772 THE CONCEPT OF INSAN KAMIL AND ITS RELEVANCE TO THE SPIRITUAL BELIEFS OF GENERATION Z: INSIGHTS FROM IBN ARABI <p>The aim of this research is to answer the problems of human character. Approach to human character which has been degraded from various dimensions, the moral degradation that occurs is not without cause, but because there are many things in the soul that have not grown perfectly in its formation. This research is qualitative research using the library method. The research results show that Ibn Arabi's concept of insan kamil emphasizes the achievement of human perfection through the manifestation of divine qualities. Its implementation for generation Z includes strengthening self-concept, sustainable personality development, and balancing material-spiritual aspects. Moral education based on Ibn Arabi's thoughts aims to form noble morals by combining modern education and Sufism values. This research finds the relevance of Ibn Arabi's thoughts in the development of spirituality and moral education for the younger generation in the contemporary era.especially generation Z, can achieve Insan Kamil through the process of Spirituality.</p> Adnan Faris Naufal Siregar Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 21 1 25 40 10.24239/jsi.Vol21.Iss1.741 DIFFERENTIAL TRADITIONS OF CLASSIC AND MODERN PETIK LAUT IN GILI GENTING ISLAND, SUMENEP DISTRICT, MADURA <p>The aim of this research is to find out the different cultures of the classical and modern sea picking traditions on Gili Genting Island, Madura. The research method used is a comparative study by comparing the sea-picking rituals of Hindus and Muslims. Research data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, secondary data collection, and literacy studies carried out using purposive sampling. Interviews were carried out by asking in-depth open questions as well as giving questionnaires. Then, secondary data was obtained by studying literature from related research. Research results: The core ritual of the sea-picking tradition is a form of shifting cultural values that is adapted to the diversity of local communities or is called the differentiation of classical and modern sea-picking traditions. This can be understood as a development of religious knowledge in society and a form of openness of coastal communities to the religious teachings they adhere to.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Syintia Dwi Dinanti Ulydhatul Ismiyana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 21 1 332 355 10.24239/jsi.Vol20.Iss2.728 MUSLIM INVOLVEMENT IN LOCAL POLITICS IN NON MUSLIM MAJORITY COUNTRIES <p>The primary objective of this study is to get a comprehensive understanding of the socio-political status of Muslim individuals inside non-Muslim majority countries. Specifically, it wants to examine the various hurdles Muslims encounter in these contexts and the tactics they employ to navigate and surmount these obstacles. This research explores the surrounding community’s reactions and attitudes toward Muslims’ political engagements. The research method employed in this study is qualitative, utilizing a library research approach to gather data. The data is collected through an extensive review of pertinent literature. The study’s findings indicate that Muslims actively and strategically engage in local politics to achieve integration while preserving their religious identity. Despite encountering prejudice and discrimination, many individuals adhering to the Islamic faith have successfully surmounted these obstacles by establishing support networks and engaging in collaborative efforts with various groups. The responses of society towards Muslim engagement have exhibited a range of outcomes, with interfaith education and discussion emerging as useful strategies in fostering comprehension and acceptance. In conclusion, the active participation of Muslims in municipal politics holds the potential to engender constructive transformations and foster a culture characterized by inclusivity.</p> M. Royyan Nafis Fathul Wahab ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 21 1 302 331 10.24239/jsi.Vol20.Iss2.715 CLASSIFICATION OF TAFSIR MAUDHU'I MAHMUD SYALTUT <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: black;">Various methods of exegesis have been born which in essence are attempts to reveal the meanings of the Qur'an. The most popular maudhu'i (thematic) interpretation method for this matter. The majority of scholars are of the opinion that maudhu'i interpretation is revealing the meanings of the Qur'an and explaining its more general meanings, and explaining difficult-to-understand pronunciations. This article uses the library research method (Library Research) which requires qualitative data. This research is based on the contents of books, journals, and other library sources. This method is very commonly used so it is easy to understand. The objectives to be achieved from this article are to find out the biography of Mahmud Syltut, to find out the identity of the printed book to the method used by Mahmud Shaltut in writing his commentary. So that we can find the meaning of the word Maudhu'i according to Mahmud Syaltut "That the maudhu'i method, in addition to other methods, is a very good method, especially for materials published to the public, with the aim of giving them instructions about various kinds of guidance. contained in the Koran.</span></p> Asrul Amir Rudy Arianto Adriyan Misbahuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 21 1 289 301 10.24239/jsi.Vol20.Iss2.712