The pattern of Adabi Ijtima'i (social culture) in interpreting the divine kalam is one of the relatively new scientific disciplines used by modern era mufassir. Various social phenomena of society and the development of science and technology are limited discussed in the Qur'an, giving rise to scientific disciplines in the field of interpretation that can not answer new problems. Therefore, this study discusses the pattern of adabi ijtima’i interpretation of Al-mishbah in the contextualization of Nusyuz verses. This study is a literature review study in the data was gathered from secondary materials or document. The data was analysed using interpretation approach. The texts of Nusyuz verses were analysed and interpreted to understand the topic. The results of this study show that Quraish Shihab was familiar with using the Adabi Ijtima'i pattern in interpreting nusyuz, alluding to the habits and identities of a man and a woman with different traits and functions, renewing a nusyuz wife three series of consecutive sequences by advising, not serving sex and beating. The potential of nusyuz also lies with the husband, resolving the misery, and the ego, sacrificing the rights of either the wife or the husband for domestic integrity.
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