• Murniati Ruslan STAIN Datokarama Palu


It goes without saying that education plays a very significant and strategic role in a nation development. Many states in the world, in concerto, have no many natural resources, but can build themselves as  developed states. For example, Singapore, a Southeast Asian mini states that minus in natural resources. This state is successful in building itself as a prosper state of the world because it is supported by highly qualified human resources. It is necessary to elucidate, of course, that a qualified educational institution can produce qualified human resources. The reason is that education has not only a positive correlation with development, but also a rational way to create independence of society. This article elaborates educational matters, independence, and nation development.

 Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, kemandirian, pembangunan


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How to Cite
Ruslan, M. (2006, September 15). PENDIDIKAN, KEMANDIRIAN, DAN PEMBANGUNAN BANGSA. HUNAFA Jurnal Studia Islamika, 3(3), 305-318.